Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Convention(al) Wisdom - 1

Yesterday marked the “official” start of the political season as the Republican National Convention was gaveled to order in Tampa, FL.  Due to “the storm called Isaac”, it was however quickly closed for the day…shortening the festivities and activities of the RNC and delegates by one day.  Next week the Democrats will have their “party party” as they re-affirm President Obama as their nominee for the office of President of the United States.

I intend to watch many of the speeches tonight or later on C-Span or PBS.  Likely, I will also do the same during the Democratic Convention and hope you will get involved in the process.
The primary purpose of these gatherings is to officially nominate their respective candidates.   As is found on the RNC Convention page:

Our republic only holds one national election in which we all share the responsibility of participating. Part of that shared responsibility involves educating ourselves about the positions of the presidential candidates and the parties they represent.While the pre-convention primary campaign educates us to a certain extent, the party conventions “kick off” the head-to-head campaign that will decide the future of our nation.To quote journalist Jim Lehrer, “The political conventions are among the few ‘shared’ national political events left.”

These conventions give us a chance to hear more about the nominee, their family and personal life and accomplishments and hopefully, their ideas for America’s future.  To my way of thinking it is “sales pitch extraordinaire” and, next to debates, the best way to make an informed choice for president! These can also be quite informative and fun.  OK, maybe not fun but do add an immeasurable insight into the party’s choice to head the greatest country in the world.

 In addition the convention has a few jobs to do…
(Again from the RNConvention page)
According to “Presidential Elections in the United States: A Primer,” prepared in April 2000 by the Library of Congress Congressional Research Service, “National conventions combine three important functions: nomination of candidates for the office of President and Vice President; formulation and adoption of a statement of party principles—the platform; and adoption of rules and procedures governing party activities, particularly the nomination process for presidential candidates in the next election cycle.”

The RNC Convention site has a lot of great general information about their conventions and conventions in general! Go take a look and learn a little more about our national traditions when selecting a president.  As I stated earlier, the Democrats hold their convention next week Sept. 4-6 in Charlotte, NC  The DNC Convention site also has a great slide show history of all previous conventions for all you history buffs.

It is my hope that you will take the time to watch BOTH Conventions and listen to their speakers.  

One of the more important documents that come out of each convention is their party platform which is essentially their view on the many issues that concern all Americans. Take the time to review each and compare.  I like to mark up my copy with red (dislike) and green (like) ink and then count them up and see where I disagree and agree.  In a later post I will provide links to both party platforms with a comparison on some of the issues. SO, go ahead, get past your preconceived notions and explore both sides of the aisle.  Learn more about our national political process so you can show off to your friends, family and co-workers. I promise I won’t tell : )

QUESTION: Do you plan to watch either (or both) conventions? Why or why not?
I’d also love to hear about the experience(s) of anyone who has actually attended a national convention.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Candidates

Did you know there are actually THREE candidates/parties that may appear on your ballot this November?

Of course, there is our current president Barack Obama and our VP Joe Biden.  If you're one of those "I don't like him" people but can't really put a finger on why, your challenge for today is to visit this campaign site and hear what they offer...and I'd love to hear WHY "you don't like him", also.
[COMMENTARY] In a future post, I will tell you why I do : )

From a brief glance at this campaign site, much attention is given to what Mr. Obama has already accomplished. In the Issues->Jobs/Economy site for instance there are a number of graphs provided by the non-partisan Department of Labor demonstrating the progress he has made in improving the private sector job outlook. I am the first to admit that stats aren't always what they seem, so go investigate what the Department of Labor says for yourself.

The Republican ticket includes Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.  Their campaign site is. of course, http://www.mittromney.com .  Under issues, I again selected "Jobs" where you can view a summary of his proposed plan to get us back to work. If you want to know more about Paul Ryan's views you can select his name above to go to his House page. While he is now the VP candidate, it's important, I think, to get a picture of his views as a Congressman.  Should Mitt Romney get elected but later not be available-Mr. Ryan would become our President. [COMMENTARY] As mentioned above, just as I will share why I like Mr. Obama, I will also tell you why this ticket will not be getting my vote.

OK, now for a real surprise! There really IS a third party candidate out there for the Libertarian Party! While Ron Paul was on the ballot in many of the state primaries (as were many others), it is my understanding that Governor Gary Johnson (New Mexico 1995-2003) and Judge Jim Gray are the Libertarian Party "ticket".  Their campaign site, http://www.garyjohnson2012.com includes biographical information for each and a very focused "Issues" section. [COMMENTARY] The Libertarian movement in the US has grown quite a bit as Congressman Paul, while a registered Republican, also holds many of the same views as Mr. Johnson.  I have included his site here so you get a more complete idea of your choices.  I admit to liking some of Mr. Johnson's ideas and when I share my opinion, you'll likely see some of these mentioned.

It is possible that your state ballot for the November election will include other candidates for this high office of president.  Check with your state/county election board to learn more...and do the research as needed!

We are so blessed to have the internet out there.  Keep in mind that candidate campaign sites ARE presented to get you to vote for a particular candidate but do a little comparison shopping and don't take spending your vote for granted! We compare prices to get the best-why not compare candidates to get the best? Open your mind to those issues that are priorities for you.

If you've taken the challenge to really research these folks, I'd love to hear about it. Share something new that you learned.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Perceptions, Ground Rules & Starter Resources


If you found your way here, it’s because you also visited “Along the Way”, my personal blog.  Thanks for taking the challenge to get involved on the political side. Before we continue, I hope you’re registered to vote. [commentary] It is my firm belief that if you’re not registered AND do not take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity to express yourself, then you have no business whatsoever to complain about government, elected officials, or current events related to politics.  If you don’t care enough to take the time to be a citizen, then I believe that invalidates your right to complain.  You may not even have to get dressed! https://www.gottaregister.com/

One of my biggest pet peeves is many speak about what they know or heard without first checking it out for themselves-and not just because they heard it from someone who tickles their ears. Being a Christian, I rely on the truth of my Bible, for guidance and direction in many areas of life…including my rights as a citizen of the USA.  Having embarrassed myself in the past, I have learned to follow the example of the Bereans…mentioned only once in all of scripture, in my estimation they had their stuff together and didn’t take anybody’s word as “gospel”-even the Apostle Paul’s!
 Acts 17:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was 
From this one brief passage, I’ve come to the conclusion that I should take no one’s word as “truth” –and in politics that means NO ONE!   This being said, I hope that my writing will inform, encourage discussion on the issues, and get to the truth of a matter.

We all have perceptions (pre-conceived notions) based on our upbringing, traditions, practical experience etc.  Some of these are so ingrained, I think, because we want to be accepted by our family, church or friends.  Unfortunately, sometimes and especially in politics this leads to divisions.  Needless to say, whether you’re left or right, Republican, Democrat or Libertarian, you know how stark these divisions are in our government at the present time.  In this Election year this is especially the case as we are privileged to once again choose our leaders.  My goal for this site is to provide information without the spin of political rhetoric but only that which can be verified.  

Ground Rules

I will post links, articles and information (as I understand it), that is unbiased, well-sourced, and really truly balanced. When I do speak from a personal perspective, I will preface it with COMMENTARY so you know that it’s my view.  I gladly invite you to submit reliable sources to further inform OR refute my view when I do comment as well as alternative sources that may conflict with the information presented for your consideration.

OK so what are reliable sources?  Anything that is non-partisan, has no agenda, and may have additional references and sources.  Reputable long-standing newspapers, videos that FULLY portray the words of a quoted speaker, news reports from primary networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox) that have verifiable secondary sources. I will likely refer to many sources that end in .gov which are classified as non-partisan (GAO and CBO are two) and lastly, I LOVE C-Span!  It can be dull, but with three channels it’s a window into how government and public policy work.  I may refer to candidate and party sites as these are generally pretty honest and grant a view into the minds and policies of candidates and party platforms and philosophies and allow us to make up OUR minds based on our values when compared with the values of the candidates.  

UN-reliable sources include any blog, video, or website that is easily recognized as biased.  For sourcing, this includes all the cable news networks, and popular sites such as Huffington Post, Grudge Report, and even Politico.  I confess, I read some of these for information but the bias is often there between the lines.  Any commentators are off limits totally, whether Rush, or Rachel, Hannity or Glen or Chris. We all know which “side” each is on and these lend no truth or helpful information in themselves…but do provide a lot of stuff to check out independently!  And THAT my friend is my hope-that YOU will do the research and not take these politicians on face value!  After all, they want one of your most valuable rights—YOUR VOTE!  With the internet, there is no excuse NOT to test these folks! Do the research! Be informed! Don’t take what these folks (and their advocates) say at face value…learn the truth.  Whether statistics, or policy, or law…there ARE unbiased sources out there.  

Starter Resources


I’ve already mentioned C-Span’s website but I encourage you to watch how our legislative branch works.  It can occasionally be quite entertaining and sometimes more exciting than a hockey match!

House.gov – It has been said that all politics is local.  As far as the federal government is concerned, your local congress person is as local as it gets.  This site has links that assist in finding out who your elected official is (if you don’t already know) and a link to their website which provides a lot of information regarding what your guy/gal is doing for your district. You can even write them, petition them, and maybe even set up a meeting!  Take advantage of this…it is your right!  Remember, this person is YOUR “employee”
Your town, depending on the structure of city government, likely has innumerable sites to get information about issues, make complaints, and find out where the next city meetings are.  I strongly encourage you to get involved.  It’s a great way to spend a free evening…and may even open your eyes to issues that concern you.

Senate.gov – just like the the previous site, except for one of your two federal senators.  Your state government quite likely has this type of site as well.  In NJ we have an Assembly and a Senate, as well as our governor.  Get curious and find out who your State elected REPRESENTATIVES are! Find out what they’re doing to earn their pay… get INVOLVED!

All of the above should have links to current and pending legislation.  When a bill (a new law or changes to existing law) is proposed, do a little research and don’t just “go with the flow” but learn about what it says and more importantly, what it means for you! Don’t just take their word as “gospel”  Go BEREAN on ‘em : )

http://cbo.gov/ -aka Congressional Budget Office is where you’ll find (from their “About page”) “… independent, nonpartisan, timely analysis of economic and budgetary issues to support the Congressional budget process. The agency's long tradition of non partisanship is evident in each of the dozens of reports and hundreds of cost estimates its economists and policy analysts produce each year. CBO analyses do not make policy recommendations, and each report and cost estimate discloses our assumptions and methodologies. All CBO employees are appointed solely on the basis of professional competence, without regard to political affiliation.”   This is a GREAT place for those of you who consider spreadsheets and statistics FUN!

Gao.gov –The US Government general accounting office From their About page: is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.

That should be enough to get you going IF YOU ARE WILLING!!!

Lastly, I freely admit that I watch MSNBC, and as the devoted wife of a CBS NEWS employee I trust CBS for news. I also watch “Face the Nation” and “Meet the Press” and shy away from Fox News.  That doesn’t mean that I accept as truth everything said there! Two sites that I visit when I want to check something out are http://www.factcheck.org/  and http://www.politifact.com/  They both claim to be unbiased and non-partisan but I know many may doubt their veracity.   

I go here primarily as a starting place because most (if not all) of their articles and “fact check gauges” provide more sources and research to further explore. It’s a GREAT starting place to weed out the BS and come to an informed conclusion.  And they’re great for “on the fly” verification too!

I hope you’ll take the challenge I’m offering, suggest other sites, comment on and suggest issues for further investigation and most of all BE BEREAN and informed.  [comment] My view is that *I* pay these people and spent my precious vote to put them in this privileged position of power and influence. In other words, they work for me!!...and you, too!

I’ll post again in the next few days.  I’m thinking that I will visit each of the candidates websites where I will likely find their “policies and positions” on the issues that concern us-and share what I understand to be where each one stands. I'd love to hear your questions, investigate issues and what's current in the news! If there is any particular issue you would like to see more information on. (i.e ACA, medicare, etc) and I’ll do my absolute best to provide the information that I’ve discovered.  I would also like to hear where (and who) you go to for political information.  I promise there will be NO BASHING!! Thanks and hope you’ll “come again” : )